The Danger of Adjusting Prices During a Craft Fair Adjusting your prices during a craft fair, either for non-sellers or towards the end of the day to encourage "fire sale" purchases is a dangerous trap to fall into. If absolutely neccessary, adjust your pricing between one day and the following one, but never while customers are present. Never mark down prices right on a sign you are using for display purposes. If you must mark down, make a brand new sign for the display. You might think it encourages people to buy when it is on "sale" but it actually has a negative effect on your entire business as a professional crafter. When you mark down only one product, especially when you are marking down only one product on a sign that might also list four other crafts, you are showing that you are flexible with your pricing. Customers will see that, and will want marked down pricing on other items too, even if they would have been happy to pay full price before noticing the mark down prices. Another problem is that many craft shoppers go to all the different craft fairs each weekend. Many have sharp memories, and will remember you marked down your products at the end of last weekend's fair. She's there first thing in the morning while selection is ample, and she will expect you to mark down her prime selection item to the same price you sold the leftovers for before. Even worse, any customers within earshot will also want discounts or will try their own hand at bartering when they see you are willing to go lower than the posted price ~ even when they, too, would have happily paid full price only moments earlier. By marking down prices mid-show you also risk alienating customers who may have purchased their item at full price only hours earlier, and have returned to discover that you are now selling it for half price.
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